Call to order at 10:05AM at Coffee shop in Casper’s Ramada on the River.  Board members present:  Pres M Spungin, VPres B Spungin, Sec/Trea R Sebesta, Hunting & Conservation P Morgan & Junior programs D Irvine.  Eight  members also attended.


The Sept 12, 2012 minutes were read.  M to accept L Stroh, 2nd by P Morgan. VV+.


The checking and financial report was presented showing a checking balance of $4444.17 and the CD’s were listed.  The major items were discussed.  M by J Hollander, 2nd L Stroh.  VV+.  Membership at 789, down 9 from Sept.


OLD BUSINESS   1]   14 have requested hard copy newsletters.    2  ]   The thank you letter from WYG&F was read for our participation in the Sept 2012 EXPO.  About 700 individuals tried shooting air guns. A big thank you again to the Natrona County JROTC help and WSSA members that manned the booth brought goodies and got the M1 rifle ticket sales under way with $355.   3  ]  As noted in the financial report the WSSFoundation funds have been added to the Junior CD account.


NEW BUSINESS    1]    Dennis French presented a Win 70 FWT, 308 Win, 1954 production from the estate of Noel Matthiesen , WSSA member, to WSSA for future use to raise funds for juniors and programs.  Discussion held if it should be added as a 2nd rifle to the 2014 drawing or not.  Majority voiced that it would be the raffle rifle for 2014, seeing as WSSA will be down to 2 M1 NM Garands after the 2013 drawing.   2]   Discussion held on Judge Donnel’s desire to violate State law and extend concealed carry restriction to ‘whole courthouse’.  All advised to contact their legislature members to voice views.   3]   The sec/trea has rec’d NO nominations to be placed on the ballot from the Oct 2012 newsletter notification.   Roy Bane had earlier indicated he would not seek the Competitions office.  Sebesta will contact Roy to confirm his decision.  Sebesta wishes for some one to take over Sec/Trea duties.    The following agreed to have names on the ballot:  Pres & V Pres Spungin , H/Cons P Morgan,  Jr programs D Irvine.     4]  Discussion held on having an article/letter posted on the web in response to the ‘media frenzy’ generated by recent misuse by mental unbalanced individuals.   President Spungin voiced that our purpose statement and the WY Constitution Art. 1, Sec. 24.  All asked to make comment to news media and legislator’s—ie.  It is not the gun, but the operator!     5 ]   May  4th is 1st choice [ 18th as 2nd] for 2013 annual meeting.  Sec/Trea to select location in Casper and include in the next newsletter.  President to arrange a guest speaker.    6]  E mail or US mail rec’d OK for sending the ballot    All offices are available.    7 ]  Sec/Trea compensation discussed.  All out of pocket expenses are to be covered by WSSA.  


Hunting/Conservation by P Morgan   WY 1st wolf season ended with 43 of the 52 quota filled.   76% of the G&F license fees are generated from non-residents.  Sportsmen need to voice concern to the Dept at open houses and season setting meetings. 

Legislation by M Spungin    To date only 2 bills are listed as filed—one to change the wording to allow suppressors for hunting, at present are ‘not allow in the field’.  Second is to put teeth in the pre-emption law where currently no penalty exists for non-compliance.    Still expected is a ‘fully informed jury’ bill to allow the jury to decide both the law and the facts.

Junior programs by D Irvine    WY JR Olympics held Dec 15 &16  as inaugural event at Laramie CO Shooting Sports Complex. Men’s WY & JO Champion in both air rifle and SB is Austen Williamson.  Jodi Ross   earned WY & JO Champion medals in both rifle.  Both are from Cheyenne.  Lander will host the Jr sectionals in March and  3P air rifle in April.

Competition  dates-                 Mid Range 22 Jun  @ Casper  contact Dilorio  265-1210

                                    Long Range 13-14 July @ Larmie  Roy Bane  755-5766

                                    Leg Match  20 July @ Laramie   Roy Bane

                                    Rifle silhouette July 20-21 @ Lander  Sebesta  335-9323.

                                    F Class  10-11 Aug @ Laramie  Roy Bane

                                    Hi Power/Service Rifle  24-25 Aug @ Cheyenne  Paul Ward  432-0522 



Club reports   LVSA hosted after Christmas new guns owners evening with 14 attending.     No HiPower director has stepped forward for NMC events.  The club schedule is posted on

    Worland will host a gun show Mar 16-7.  M Spungin has a table reserved and expects it to be another ‘great show’.           Gillette    will host its spring gun show in conjunction with FNRA banquet April 26-28        Platte Co Shooting Assoc-   Dr Britz sent copies of their newsletters and info that the were successful in leasing the ‘old’ range from the CO.  Much clean up was needed and the 1st general membership meeting was scheduled for Dec 5th.  In Nov 150+ memberships were filled.


Adjourned at 1PM  Have a safe and enjoyable winter.     Roger Sebesta     E’d to BOD 1-8-2013