WSSA minutes Sept 9, 2009


Pres Mark Spungin called the meeting to order at 5:05PM.  The group gathered at the Ramada Inn after completing the range set-up for the EXPO. Present were :Pres and VP Spungin, interim sec/trea Sebesta, 5 members and 1 guest.


Acting sec Sebesta read the minutes from the May 30, 2009 annual meeting.  M by Dennis French, 2nd by Dick Ament to approve as read.  VV+


Membership stands at 1014, with membership drive still bring in additional.  The treasurer’s report was reviewed showing we have a checking balance of $3288.76.


OLD BUSINESS-  1] Membership drive has brought in 119 new life members and 341 others;  also $5912 for the PAC fund.   2]  State Fair booth was used by at least 209, many returned and shot several times.  Thanks to Beverly Spungin and Dennis French for doing the majority of the organization.   3]  Camp Perry brick was purchased, but Whittington Center was sold out.   4]  EXPO is set up.  Thanks to Dennis French, Dick Ament, Orris Wickham, R Sebesta, Mark & Bev Spungin and Robert Carney.   5] Tyler Kamp’s letter of thanks was read.  6]   Bev reported the JR HP team at Camp Perry and thanked WSSA for supporting the effort to get a WY Jr team to attend.  Roy Bane’s letter said it was the 1st team in 24 years.  CMP funds were not rec’d as of date and further reimbursement will be discussed after CMP funds are granted.    6]  The 2700 pistol championship did happen; 18 shooters but no further information available.


NEW BUSINESS-  1] Winter meeting date set for Dec 19, with 2nd choice the 12th. Location expected to be the Ramada coffee shop, Casper.   2]  M by Bev Spungin to have WSSA contribute $15 per member towards dinner.  2nd by French, VV+   3]  Sebesta questioned what should be done with the running target apparatus and the Daisy Avanti seeing how neither have been used for some time.  Discussion held and to place an article in the newsletter to see if any clubs would be interested in a long range loan. 


Hunting-Conservation-   Mark suggested information on ‘lead free’ bullets could be used in article for newsletter.  He sees it at a back door approach to stop hunting.


Legislative-  Mark reported on the Liberty Fest in Lander the last part of Aug.  All need to contact WY legislatures to push for Alaska carry and the ‘on person’ change needed in the current carry law.


Competitions-  Reminder that championship events are to be established with Comp Ex by Dec 1st.  Mark will host a combat match Oct 10-11; 50 to 300 yards.


Club reports-  Platte River held a 600 yard match to inaugurate their remodeled facility. About 18 fired the event that included F class.    A Newcastle range has been shut down due to over head power line damage.


Adjourn at 6:45PM      Roger Sebesta      emailed to EX BOD 9-15-09