WSSA Minutes Dec 13, 2008


President Mark Spungin called the meeting to order at 10;05AM.  Present also were BOD members Beverly Spungin, R Bane and R Sebesta; also four members and a guest.


The minutes from the Sept 11, 08 meeting were read and approved by a motion from B Spungin, 2nd R. Carney.  VV+.  Membership stands at 519.  The financial was reviewed and accepted.


OLD BUSINESS  1] Sec/trea updated the meeting on the NRA Associations & Clubs grant of $5K rec’d.  The mailing material has been sent and Elizabeth Bush, NRA does not have a date for the mailing at this date. Discussion held about delaying the mailing until after the Christmas holidays.  At the speed the NRA procedure is traveling, that may take care of itself; if not a later date will be requested.  2]  Ed Cassidy has kept the wed site up to date with information he receives.  3]  Pres Spungin reported on the National Park Service ruling covering concealed carry.  Because the ruling went through the rule making process it can only be changed by the same process and not as some suspect by a stroke of a pen by a future President.  4] The thank you letter from the Natrona Co Jr ROTC was read.  5]  Jim Guelda’s letter to Savage Arms was read.  That expressed the displeasure of having a connection to H-S Precision and their use of Ruby Ridge Horuchi in the H-S product catalog.  6]  The thank you letter from the EXPO was read.  It told of having 12,996 attending. The student count was 8337.  The WSSA booth used at least 1283 targets & $423 of M1 tickets were sold.  7]  WY Rep Allen Jaggi sent a letter of thanks for being the guest speaker at the May 08 annual meeting. 8]  No comments have been rec’d on the WSSA Lifetime Achievement award, therefore Roy Bane asked it be tabled until the annual meeting.


NEW BUSINESS  1]  The NRA  report of the nominating committee was read.  It reported 50 had been recommended and the 30 listed gained the support of the nominating committee.  2] After discussion M by B Spungin, 2nd D French to have May 30 as the next annual meeting date in Casper.   The location will be determined by the sec/trea.  Lorraaine Quarberg, Rep from HD28 will be contacted to be quest speaker.  3]  Sebesta asked if any were interested in taking a class to obtain a CC permit for UT.  The UT permit is honored in states that do not honor WY CC permits.  4] 2009 ballot discussed.  Sec/trea reported no members had replied to the notice posted in the last newsletter.   Pres & VP Spungin and competitions officer Roy Bane agreed to be on the ballot.  Bohling (legislation) and Irvine (juniors) will be contacted for their permission to be placed on the ballot.  5]  French & Sebesta have repaired the 3 Daisy 717 air pistols and 4 Crosman 2000 rifles. A service log has been started.  The Daisy 853’s were checked and held air pressure well.  The plan is to make some of the 853’s length of pull adjustable in order to fit even a larger # of students.  6]  Discussion held on the M1 rifle for the ’09 drawing.  Bane and Morgan to check into a replacement stock for the rifle that is not issued.  Sebesta felt the winner would be happy with any workable M1 for a $1 ticket. 


No reports from Hunting/Cons, Junior programs or Legislation.

Roy Bane listed these dates for State Championships:  June 13-14 @ Cody HP prone w/F class; Jun 20-21@ Lander SB&HP Rifle Silht; Jul 11-12@ Cody HP rifle; Aug 29-30@Laramie 2700 Pistol; Sept 12-13 Service rifle @Cheyenne.


Club reports:  Laramie has NGuard lined up to move dirt; date not set but should make facility into a 1000 yard range.  Lander Valley distributed the ’09 range schedules to all present and pointed out the night tactical events.


Adjourned @ 12:30PM with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


Roger Sebesta Sec/trea.   Emailed to BOD 12-15-2008