WSSA Dec 7, 2013 Meeting Minutes


CTO at 10AM by President Mark Spungin.  Board officers present:  VP B Spungin, Sec/Trea R Sebesta, Hunt/Conserv D French, Comp’s R Bane and 3 members.


May 4, 2013 annual meeting minutes were read.  M/French, 2nd B Spungin to approve as read.  VV+.   The financial activity was presented in a hand out and reviewed.  The checking balance stands at $1595.29.  Membership at 786.


Old BZ-  1] The thank you photo from the Youth Hunting Education Challenge was acknowledged. No report from the WY teams at the Whittington Center Nationals.  

2]   No updates have been added to the list of Champions.  No report from F class, service rifle/high power events.   3] The Win 70 FWT .308 gift was discussed.  R Bane has had no serious offers via the internet.  Discussion held to remove it from on line sales and make it the 2015 rifle raffle to save the last M1 for 2016.   


New BZ-  1]  M1 tickets have been printed and will be mailed with the Jan newsletter.  Sec/Trea expects to be able to use Lander Senior Citizen bulk permit.   2]  2014 NRA annual meeting to be in Indianapolis, April 24-29.  The Spungin’s plan to attend and  they declined financial assistance from WSSA.   3] Web site has added the Camp Perry report.  4]  NRA annual report, WY non-profit tax report and the PAC reports have all been filed before deadlines.   5]  EXPO equipment—discussion held with thoughts that G&F Expo will not return.  The gear will be listed on the website and in the Jan newsletter.   6]  The NRA Nominating Com’te report was passed around.  Sebesta read in USAShooting that the NRA plans to refocus on competitions.  AZ State Rifle & Pistol sent an E letter suggesting 7 on the list that are or have been competitive shooters. [ P Clark, A Cors, T Carter, J Friedman, L Ermey, R Viden, H Walter]    7]  Annual meeting set for May10th in Casper; location to be determined and announced in the next newsletter.  The question of moving it around the state will also be asked; any clubs interested in hosting?  


H/Conservation –D French handed out a blurb from G&F that tells of a ‘public meetings’ page online.  As with WSSA it is hard to get attendance at their meetings.  This meetings page will allow E comments.


JR programs-  D Irvine sent:  JR Oly Air rifle, 11-12 Jan, Cheyenne, Dick Smith.  NRA Jr sectional 3 & 4P SB, & Int ARifle, 22-23 Mar, Lander.  3P air rifle 12 Apr, Lander, Dudley Irvine.


 Competition R Bane reviewed the Championship dates:  Mid-range 600 yard, 21 Jun, Casper, J Dilorio;  Long range, 12-13 July, Worland, Nick Nickelson;  HP & SR 16-17 Aug, Camp Guernsey, Bev Spungin;   Rifle silhouette 23-24 Aug, Lander, R Sebesta.        Other events planned in HP include:  Mid-range 17 May & NMC 18 May @ Camp Guernsey, Roy Bane.   Platte River plans to have Garand event and other HP events.


Club news-  Lander has picked up a few juniors; added 28 feet to the pistol firing line; will have new tactical/long range events in summer; indoor 3P, Schuetzen, open SB every week thru cold weather;  winter 100 yard 22 bench fun shoots.    Platte River has the .50cal law suit resolved; County Comis satisfied with Range Officer plans; have contractor working on plans for an overhead bullet baffle; considering limiting membership to 150.     Laramie Rifle Range Inc.   gongs out to 1100 yards; sniper course; .22 steel range; Per protection steel range; revamped firing line with warming area; may have pistol match; 4 point archery range. 


Adjourned 12:20PM at the Ramada coffee shop, Casper.  Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



Sec/Trea  Roger Sebesta  E mailed to BOD 12-10-2013